Helpful Links for persons with development disabilities (DD), caregivers, families, communities and service providers.
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto
Mary Centre receives some funding from Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Catholic Charities is dedicated to ensuring the provision of health and social services and to providing leadership and advocacy on behalf of its 28 member agencies. These community agencies deliver services in a committed, caring and empowering way that reflects the values of the church. The people who are served live and work in the Greater Toronto Area, as well as in Simcoe, Durham, Peel and York.
Charity Village
Charity Village is Canada’s supersite for the non-profit sector. This online service centre is dedicated to encouraging, supporting and servicing 200,000 Canadian charities and non-profit organizations, and the millions of professionals, staffers, volunteers, donors and supporters who make them an important part of our national fabric.
Developmental Services Ontario, Toronto Region
We serve adults living in Toronto, Etobicoke, North York, and Scarborough. We can provide you with information about community services and resources and assist you in connecting with MCSS-funded developmental services and supports.
Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities
OADD is a professional organization of people working and studying in the field of developmental disabilities throughout Ontario. Members include agencies and organizations; university and community college students and instructors; service provider direct care staff and managers; family support workers; case managers; psychologists; social workers; and other dedicated individuals.
NADD Publication
The mission of the Ontario Chapter of the National Association for the Dually Diagnosed is to advance mental wellness for persons with developmental disabilities through the promotion of excellence in mental health care.
On August 24, 2016, the Ontario Ombudsman office released their report entitled Nowhere to Turn. This report addresses the experiences of people with a developmental disability and their families in Ontario. The Ministry of Community and Social Services.
McGuinty Government Makes Historic Commitment To Stronger Services For People With A Developmental Disability
May 2006. This is an archived posting from a previous administration. It is provided for historical and archival purposes.
Persons with Disabilities Online
This Government of Canada site provides a broad range of information on disability-related programs and services in Canada.
Seniors on the Margins: aging with a developmental disability
A brochure produced by the National Advisory Council on Aging describing the Council’s position on the situation of Canadians who are aging with a developmental disability. It identifies a number of gaps and challenges with respect to the unmet health care, social and financial problems that impact their capacity to age well and provides recommendations for action in each of these areas.
English and French publications.
ShareLife is the charitable fundraising arm of the Archdiocese of Toronto. ShareLife supports 29 agencies, including Mary Centre, which reach out to serve those who are struggling in our community. All ShareLife agencies help those in need regardless of religious affiliation.
Helping to improve outcomes for children, youth, families and individuals who need support...
Helping children with special needs including a variety of conditions that may affect their physical, communication, intellectual, emotional, social and/or behavioural development.
Services for adults with developmental disabilities
There are services and supports for adults with a developmental disability and families so that you can live, work and participate in a wide range of activities in your community.
Surrey Place
Surrey Place Centre is a community-based organization that provides a wide range of services including complex assessment, diagnostics, and treatment for people living with autism, Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.