Become a Friend

We need more of You!
Friends of the people we support and of Mary Centre play many vital roles… nearly sixty (60) Friends have shared their time and hearts to enable adults with developmental disabilities to fulfill their potential and build a good life.
Won’t you share your talents with us?
Here are just some of the ways that a little of your time can make a big difference in the lives of others:
Friendly visitors spend time on a regular basis with a person who has a developmental disability at his or her home: having a chat, reading together, playing cards, going to the library or a movie, taking a walk together, attending sporting or recreation events.
Tutors teach reading, writing, math or computer skills.
Drivers transport people to social, recreational or church activities.
Assist with gardening.
The people supported and involved with Mary Centre are typically loving, sensitive people who become very attached to their support workers and friends For this reason, we carefully match personalities and interests — and we ask our direct service friends for a commitment of at least one (1) year. In return, you have an opportunity to not only enrich the life of an adult with a developmental disability, but you have an opportunity to enrich your own life. Friends can receive a one-on-one orientation to Mary Centre and to the person whom you would support. Friends can learn about developmental disabilities and acquire valuable new skills at the same time.